In-Home & Online Training

In-home or online training can be a great solution for any dog, whether they have behavioral issues or just need some help with basic obedience training! Haruka will come to your home, either in person or online, where she can observe your dog’s behavior and identify any specific triggers or issues that need to be addressed. Then, she can work with you to develop a customized training plan that meets your dog’s individual needs.

In-home training can be particularly effective for dogs with anxiety or aggression issues because it gives Haruka an opportunity to address specific triggers that the dog may encounter in the home. Some common triggers that she often sees at home are visitors, loud noises, or other pets.

By deciding to do your dog’s training in the home, Haruka can work with you to create a consistent training routine that can be easily followed on a daily basis.

No More Accident Potty Training

Mischief Managed Canine Training In-Home and Online Training

The No More Accident Potty training course is an online training opportunity for dog owners who would like to improve their dogs’ potty trainig.

This course is perfect for you if you’re stressing about your new puppy going potty everywhere they shouldn’t, you’ve just moved into a different or new housing situation and your dogs’ potty routine has completely changed, or if you just need some basic potty training advice or help!

This course is perfect for all dog breeds, sizes, and ages who don’t otherwise have any problematic behavior.

Potty Training

  • On-Line Training Course
  • 2 Private Training Sessions
  • First-Time Puppy Potty Training
  • New Environment / Life Change Potty Training
  • Improving Potty Training
Mischief Managed Canine Training In-Home and Online Training

The No More Accident Potty training course is an online training opportunity for dog owners who would like to improve their dogs’ potty trainig.

This course is perfect for you if you’re stressing about your new puppy going potty everywhere they shouldn’t, you’ve just moved into a different or new housing situation and your dogs’ potty routine has completely changed, or if you just need some basic potty training advice or help!

This course is perfect for all dog breeds, sizes, and ages who don’t otherwise have any problematic behavior.

Potty Training

  • On-Line Training Course
  • 2 Private Training Sessions
  • First-Time Puppy Potty Training
  • New Environment / Life Change Potty Training
  • Improving Potty Training

PCS Prep

Mischief Managed Canine Training PCS Prep

We know military life isn’t easy. Every 18-36 months, you have to PCS and your whole life gets turned upside down. During this time, it is very common for many dogs to start exhibiting behavioral problems. These can be caused by the stress of being in a crate for the first time or just having a short amount of time to prepare for some really big environmental changes.

This hybrid online and in-person course is designed specifically to address some of the common stresses that military families face when they PCS. This training includes crate training, help with flight acclimation, and tips for the whole family on how to handle the huge environmental change.

PCS Prep

  • Hybrid On-Line and In-Person Training Course
  • 2 Private On-Line Training Sessions
  • 3 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Crate Training
  • Flight Acclimation Training
  • New Environment Training
Mischief Managed Canine Training PCS Prep

We know military life isn’t easy. Every 18-36 months, you have to PCS and your whole life gets turned upside down. During this time, it is very common for many dogs to start exhibiting behavioral problems. These can be caused by the stress of being in a crate for the first time or just having a short amount of time to prepare for some really big environmental changes.

This hybrid online and in-person course is designed specifically to address some of the common stresses that military families face when they PCS. This training includes crate training, help with flight acclimation, and tips for the whole family on how to handle the huge environmental change.

PCS Prep

  • Hybrid On-Line and In-Person Training Course
  • 2 Private On-Line Training Sessions
  • 3 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Crate Training
  • Flight Acclimation Training
  • New Environment Training

Rapid Recall

Mischief Managed Canine Training Programs

While you may think ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’ or ‘Come’ are important commands, ‘Recall’ is absolutely the #1 command your dog should know. It is life saving command for both you and your dog. This course is focused on Recall to make sure your dog will come back to you every time.

Rapid Recall

  • In-Person Training Course
  • 4 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Recall Skills
  • Leash Skills
Mischief Managed Canine Training Programs

While you may think ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’ or ‘Come’ are important commands, ‘Recall’ is absolutely the #1 command your dog should know. It is life saving command for both you and your dog. This course is focused on Recall to make sure your dog will come back to you every time.

Rapid Recall

  • In-Person Training Course
  • 4 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Recall Skills
  • Leash Skills

Happy Walk

Mischief Managed Canine Training Programs

Are you struggling to walk your dog? Does your dog choke themselves or slip out from their collar or harness? This course is specifically focused on loose leash walking to make your life much easier!

Happy Walk

  • In-Person Training Course
  • 6 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Loose Leash Skills
Mischief Managed Canine Training Programs

Are you struggling to walk your dog? Does your dog choke themselves or slip out from their collar or harness? This course is specifically focused on loose leash walking to make your life much easier!

Happy Walk

  • In-Person Training Course
  • 6 Private In-Person Training Sessions
  • Loose Leash Skills

E-Collar (Basic)

Mischief Managed Canine Training E-Collar Basic and Advanced Training

This in-person training is for those who have already completed the Basic Obedience course. E-Collar (Basic) training is designed to give you true off-leash freedom and confidence with your dog! During this training, Haruka will break down all of the ins and outs of the E-Collar (or remote collar), an extremely effective tool that can aid in your dog training journey by disrupting unwanted behaviors while building confidence, effective communication, and overall happiness and harmony between you and your dog!

Remote/E-Collars are great tools when applied in a personalized way. We often find owners love the results they get when we combine this training with leash walking skills!

E-Collar (Basic)

  • In-Person Training Course
  • E-Collar Introduction
  • Basic Commands with E-Collar
  • Leash Skills with E-Collar
Mischief Managed Canine Training E-Collar Basic and Advanced Training

This in-person training is for those who have already completed the Basic Obedience course. E-Collar (Basic) training is designed to give you true off-leash freedom and confidence with your dog! During this training, Haruka will break down all of the ins and outs of the E-Collar (or remote collar), an extremely effective tool that can aid in your dog training journey by disrupting unwanted behaviors while building confidence, effective communication, and overall happiness and harmony between you and your dog!

Remote/E-Collars are great tools when applied in a personalized way. We often find owners love the results they get when we combine this training with leash walking skills!

E-Collar (Basic)

  • In-Person Training Course
  • E-Collar Introduction
  • Basic Commands with E-Collar
  • Leash Skills with E-Collar

E-Collar (Advanced)

This in-person training is for those who have already completed the E-Collar (Basic) course. It features off leash training with the E-Collar (remote collar).

All training is completed in-person and in the dogs real world environment. This means meeting random dogs and strangers in a new environment while off-leash with the E-Collar. By the end of this course, you and your dog’s off leash skills will be much better and you will feel prepared for all of your future off leash activities!

E-Collar (Advanced)

  • In-Person Training Course
  • Advanced E-Collar Skills
  • Advanced Commands with E-Collar
  • Advanced Off-Leash Skills with E-Collar
  • Socialization with E-Collar

This in-person training is for those who have already completed the E-Collar (Basic) course. It features off leash training with the E-Collar (remote collar).

All training is completed in-person and in the dogs real world environment. This means meeting random dogs and strangers in a new environment while off-leash with the E-Collar. By the end of this course, you and your dog’s off leash skills will be much better and you will feel prepared for all of your future off leash activities!

E-Collar (Advanced)

  • In-Person Training Course
  • Advanced E-Collar Skills
  • Advanced Commands with E-Collar
  • Advanced Off-Leash Skills with E-Collar
  • Socialization with E-Collar

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to schedule a consultation for your training needs!

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