Behavior Modification Training

Negative behaviors like dog aggression, human aggression, resource guarding, leash aggression, reactivity, separation anxiety, and others are common issues that some dogs experience – more common than you would expect! If you are experiencing a dog with signs of aggression, guarding, reactivity, or anxiety, there is hope! It is often the case that these behaviors that had been labeled as aggressive behaviors are actually reactions to their environment or issues outside of what would be considered purely an aggression issue. That’s why it is so important to have a trained professional to analyze the dog and its behaviors. We are happy to help you address any of these issues through proper, personalized training.

Haruka uses a specialized combination of training methods to address any specific issues or triggers that your dog might have in order to address the root issue of your dog’s behavior. As a member of IACP (International Association of Canine Professionals), Haruka is constantly exchanging knowledge and training ideas with other professionals to improve the training industry and your training experience.

It’s never too late to help your dog to learn to modify these behaviors, but it’s never too early either! Even if you don’t think your dog has fully developed either anxiety or aggression issues, but you’re concerned they might be headed down this path, schedule a consultation today! We can work with you and your dog before the early warning signs turn into more developed anxiety or aggression behavior.

Anxiety Training

Dogs can experience anxiety for a variety of reasons, such as separation anxiety, fear of loud noises or unfamiliar people, or general anxiety. Anxiety training can help dogs learn to cope with their anxiety triggers in a more positive way. This can involve desensitization, which gradually exposes the dog to their anxiety trigger in a controlled way, or counterconditioning, which helps the dog associate their trigger with something positive (such as treats or playtime).

Anxiety Related Behavior Examples

Do any of these behaviors sound familiar? Every dog is different, and oftentimes anxiety related behaviors can be tied back to an environmental trigger. During a consultation, Haruka will review your dog for potential signs of anxiety related behaviors to help you isolate the root cause. While this isn’t a complete list, here are some common signs of anxiety that she might look for:

Anxiety Related Behavior Examples

Do any of these behaviors sound familiar? Every dog is different, and oftentimes anxiety related behaviors can be tied back to an environmental trigger. During a consultation, Haruka will review your dog for potential signs of anxiety related behaviors to help you isolate the root cause. While this isn't a complete list, here are some common signs of anxiety that she might look for:

  • Barking or howling when owner isn’t home
  • Panting and pacing (even when it’s not hot)
  • Shivering
  • Running away and/or cowering in the corner of a house
  • Digging
  • Escaping the yard
  • Destroying furniture
  • Self-harm, including excessive licking or chewing
  • Not eating
  • Urinating more frequently
  • A general inability to settle.

It’s never too late to help your dog to learn to modify these behaviors, but it’s never too early either! Even if you don’t think your dog has fully developed anxiety issues, but you’re concerned they might be headed down this path, schedule a consultation today! We can work with you and your dog before the early warning signs turn into more developed anxiety behavior.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Aggression Training

Aggression in dogs is one of the leading reasons for surrenders at animal shelters around the globe. Aggressive behavior can be exhibited as dog aggression, human aggression, resource guarding, leash aggression, or reactivity. All forms of aggression have the potential to become dangerous and even lead to injury. For this reason, many think that surrendering a dog with aggressive behavior issues is the only option, but training can help!

It is often the case that these behaviors that had been labeled as aggressive behaviors are actually reactions to changes in the dog’s environment or issues outside of what would be considered purely an aggression issue. That’s why it is so important to have a trained professional to analyze your dog, the situations that have led it to be aggressive, and the behaviors they are exhibiting.

Working with Haruka means personalized training to address your dog’s specific behavior issues and triggers. She will implement a number of training and teaching methods to redirect their aggressive behavior (such as biting or growling) towards an acceptable behavior, such as sitting or lying down. Additionally, she will help you to learn how to read your dog’s body language and respond appropriately to prevent aggression triggers.

Aggressive Behavior Examples

Concerned your dog might be exhibiting aggressive behavior? Every dog is different, and oftentimes negative behaviors can be tied back to a change in environment or some other external response issue. During a consultation, Haruka will review your dog for potential signs of aggressive behaviors to help you isolate the root cause. While this isn’t a complete list, here are some common signs of aggression that she might look for:

Aggressive Behavior Examples

Concerned your dog might be exhibiting aggressive behavior? Every dog is different, and oftentimes negative behaviors can be tied back to a change in environment or some other external response issue. During a consultation, Haruka will review your dog for potential signs of aggressive behaviors to help you isolate the root cause. While this isn't a complete list, here are some common signs of aggression that she might look for:

  • Becoming very still and rigid
  • Guttural bark that sounds threatening
  • Lunging forward or charging at a person with no contact
  • Mouthing, as though to move or control the person, without applying significant pressure
  • “Muzzle punch” (the dog punches the person with their nose)
  • Growl
  • Showing teeth
  • Snarl (a combination of growling and showing teeth)
  • Snap
  • Quick nip that leaves no mark
  • Quick bite that tears the skin
  • Bite with enough pressure to cause a bruise
  • Bite that causes puncture wounds
  • Repeated bites in rapid succession
  • Bite and shake 

It’s never too late to help your dog to learn to modify these behaviors, but it’s never too early either! Even if you don’t think your dog has fully developed aggression issues, but you’re concerned they might be headed down this path, schedule a consultation today! We can work with you and your dog before the early warning signs turn into more developed aggressive behavior.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

"There is as a bad dog."


Single Session

  • 1 Training Session
  • In-Person Training Session
  • All dog breeds, ages, and sizes
  • Personalized Training Plan
  • Owner guidance and training

6 Sessions

  • 6 Training Sessions
  • 6 In-Person Training Sessions
  • All dog breeds, ages, and sizes
  • Personalized Training Plan
  • Owner guidance and training

10 Sessions

  • 10 Training Sessions
  • 10 In-Person Training Sessions
  • All dog breeds, ages, and sizes
  • Personalized Training Plan
  • Owner guidance and training

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to schedule a consultation for your training needs!

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